
In the world of archery

What do Orion, Vlysses and Robin Hood have in common?

They were top experts in archery! The "Shooting Ground of Pyrgetos" makes sure to initiate you in the art of throwing an arrow and aims at teaching you how to achieve your goals! For this purpose it runs a specially-formed archery ground of its own, which meets all the safety standards, is equipped with various sizes of Olympic bows for all the body types of archers and of course it has an archery trainer.

Just like shooting, archery is a "democratic" sport, which is appropriate for everyone, regardless of their body structure, sex, age, qualifications and strength. It is mainly based on the ability of the archer to concentrate and it helps them to develop techniques of complete control of their body movements and stamina.

Most of all of course, archery is entertainment and great fun! This is why it especially fascinates those who get to know it for the first time! Especially, children! The "Shooting Ground of Pyrgetos" offers hours of pleasure and athletic practice to the young...archers, who can test their skills and make their first steps in the world of archery, always accompanied by their parents and under the trainer's instructions.